Wednesday, December 21, 2005

my flatmate and me in munich

Now that this year's end is approaching i guess it's time for a look back :-)

During my internship at a consulting firm I got a first impression of how my weekly rhythm of life is going to look like: 5 days work, 2 days off. It was nevertheless a good time, in which I learned a lot and now I know that it's not much different from Korean work life. The time after my internship and before my flight to Korea was free and characterized by my father's 60th birthday party. It was a big but also too expensive one. Another highlight was the reception by the German Students Award for a third prize which I won for an essay about the "myth of the market".

Then came my stay in Korea. The pictures can only give a partial impression but they say more than I could say with words. I have met many people I will never forget... I'm so glad that I ever met them. Korea became a second home to me since then.

On my return I have seen how the house in which I spend 15 years of my youth slowly became less and less inhabitable. In the end I helped my parents carry all that was left to their new flat and moved myself to what is going to become my new home for the next chapter of my life.

And now? I've cut my hair. I'm living in Munich, enjoying my last days before starting with my work. I'm sharing a relatively small flat with two nice people (one of them, Nina, is in the picture above) in the heart of the city. Finally I got internet at home and I'm sure I will be online at the weekends at least... but still it will be difficult to keep in touch with most of my friends and buddys. But they know that there is always a guestbed for them in my room ;-)

Tomorrow I will take off to Berlin in order to attend the Hangaram Party (meet lots of kyopos there), meet some other friends, and celebrate the beginning and the end. I guess the innocent fun time is over soon. It's about time to make a living :-)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

who's that guy? :-)

blossoming table

wooden chair

oh that was a fine BBQ

shuffle time


the 63 building

she was facing...

tentacle spectacle

hey i'm on tv

club highlight

a super market


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It took a while until I really could tell that I finally arrived: it was a couple of weeks ago when I just finished writing my final thesis, went out, and met so many interesting and wonderful people - artists, designers, party promoters, clubbers, travellers... And now after 6 months, just when I finally understood that Seoul is a place to be, I have to leave... Isn't it ironic? Next year I will start working for an international strategy consulting firm called "Monitor Company", travel through Europe and probably the rest of the world, but unfortunately I don't think that my work will lead me to Seoul. Nevertheless I'm sure that I will come back, be it just for vacation or work...

P.S.: recently lost my second digital camera here, might take a while until I buy another one...

Monday, October 24, 2005

han river @ night

evening shift
nike air

another landscape

apt disease

han river

that was the absinth...

@ james

Thursday, October 13, 2005

at the height of our youth

fantastic water games

with microbrewery

standing on the shoulders of giants

15th floor asia tower

it's raining disco balls


made with my replacement camera :P

Sunday, September 25, 2005

@ club cargo

one of these nights
where cigarettes burn way too fast
and memories are not to last;
where you like to look into the lights
while their smiles are such -
they seduce you and relax;
and the music kicks as much.

double espresso...

...and evian water
(i never imagined that water from different brands actually has distinct tastes...)

world cup stadium

violet car

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

i like this kind of disturbances. they remind you on the fact that these commercials are actually so unreal - what's real is the error message that windows display(s) ;)

childrens' classics

cream cake in the face

subway sunset

Der geheimnisvolle Blick mancher U-Bahninsassen. Ich frage mich, was Sie sehen, wenn sie mit traeumenden Augen hinausblicken, vorbei an den Gesichtern, die sich halb in den schwarzen Fenstern spiegeln.

bavarian buffet

toilet flowers! thousandfold.

cutting edge

there is always something to see

headless ladies

Monday, September 12, 2005

der japanische schriftsteller mishima hatte recht. der eigene koerper ist in der tat formbares material, das sich durch nichts anderes als sich selbst, der individuellen willenskraft, und mit hohem aufwand gestalt geben laesst. doch welchen zweck verfolgt diese formung? im grunde genommen sind es zwei zwecke gleichzeitig: zum einen die formung zur aesthetischen vollendung (und alle anstrengungen fuehren wie von selbst naeher an das ideal des menschlichen koerpers), zum anderen die steigerung der eigenen attraktivitaet. obwohl letzteres wohl dominiert ist folglich der gang zum fitness-studio auch ein stueck performance-kunst und jeder bodybuilder ein schaffender geist, wenn auch ohne kreatives moment. (und wird der kritische blick in den spiegel dann zur kunstkritik? im uebertragenen sinne vielleicht?)

hab heute endlich mal was fuer meine fitness getan.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Saturday, August 13, 2005

wild bunch

subway station under construction

those were the days...